When Financial Knowledge Counts

The global economy grows increasingly complex. Like reading or writing, economic literacy is an essential life skill. Whether young, old, or older, wealthy or barely making it, married or not – every woman and girl will be faced at some point in their life with the responsibility of managing their financial welfare. We teach women and girls how to handle their money like a “pro” from a position of knowledge, confidence, and financial clarity.
Money holds power, expresses love, provides independence, and triggers insecurities. It affects nearly every aspect of life.
Women have money, make money and inherit money. But you’re still receiving the short end of the economic stick!
Of the 1,342 billionaires in the world, only 6% or 87 are women… why?
Of the 500 richest people in Europe, only 10% or 50 are women… why?
Of the Fortune 1000 Corporate CEOs, only 4% or 46 are women… why?
Average revenues of women-owned businesses are only 27% of the average revenues of men-owned businesses… why?
For each 1€ a man earns, a woman earns only 0,75€… why?
The poverty rate for women is greater than the poverty rate for men… why?
FinMarie and Mind the Gap help women and girls gain power and control over their lives through our financial literacy programs to promote financial education, saving, and asset building.